Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I am so Legend

Ok, so I was planning on doing my first quarter blog on the office but, they have started to backtrack and I've already seen most of the episodes they are playing. In light of these events I will this week instead be writing about one of the greatest movies ever made, I am Legend. This movie stars Will Smith so you know its good to begin with. The story is about Will playing a character named robert nevil living by himself in New York City. He is living there because he is a scientist trying to find a cure for an epidemic. The epidemic started when a women scientist created essetialy, a cure for cancer. However, tehy were using a modified version of the measels to cure it and the virus backfired and people turned into zombie esque freaks. He, Robert Nevel, is one of the few people who are imune to the virus and his blood is the source for the cure. He spends over 100 days there with no human contact until finaly, when his dog is biten and transmited the virus, and Robet has to hold him and inject the non-finished version of the antidote which ends up not working and Robert must strangle his own dog before it turns on him. Later on a woman and a boy hear his radio transmission that he broadcasts every day and come to try and contact him. They find him near death because he had gone mad over the death of his dog, and gone on a mad rampage in his car killing many of the infected. The infected, however, were too numerus and were overtaking Nevel and just when his doom seemed iminent, The woman and her son came with a huge florecent light which killed most of the infected people on Robert's car and scared off the rest. They fled but, they werent safe for long because the infected had followed them home before daybreak had come. Robert had earlier goten a specimen of the infected to try one of his antidotes that had worked on his rat test subjects and it had seamed it haden't worked. But, the next night when the infected came to destroy Robert, they went to his basement lab as their last place to hide. Once down there they realized that the antidote had worked. Robert then also realized that the only reason the infected people were after them is because the female subject he had obtained was the leaders wife. He then decides the only way to save the world is to have the woman and child hide in this little bomb proof hole with a sample of the girls blood which contained the antidote. He then took a hand grenade and launched himself into the huge crowd of infect people saving his two companions and the world at the sacrafice of his own life.

1 comment:

Joey S. said...

Very nice tristan. I really don't care that much about commenting, but i jsut feel like being on the computer to bug my @$&%@#$ teachers in Resource room who hate me.

Yea lifes good