Monday, October 20, 2008


This week I'll be writting about a movie I saw with a couple freinds called Quarantined. It was a horror movie about a news reporter, her camera man, some firemen and some residents that get closed in by the american government when there is an outbreak of a rabies like virus in the apartment building the firemen were called to. The virus seems to have started with an 80 some year old woman who all of a sudden, while trying to be helped, attacks one of the policemen in an inhuman display of speed and bites the officer who soon shows the same tendancies as the woman. Later, after a few more casualties, people in hazmat suites come through the recently place plastic seal around the whole building to inspect some of the infected people that were managed to be straped down in a storage room. More unnecesary, typical zombie movie stuff happenes. and the movie ends with the reporter, the last person not infected/alive, being pulled into the darkness by a human that looks like it had been living in a pile of dirt for 30 years. It wasn't the best movie ever, especialy as far as horor/zombie movies are concerned but, non the less, it was mildly entertaining.

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